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I love the guns being “physical” and you being able to see the projectile loaded inside of them before you fire, really nice touch.

Shader work overall really nice too.

For improvement, the main thing I can think of is: it feels claustrophobic, the player and enemy ships feel a bit too big for the arena for my taste (but maybe that’s what you were going for?). Also maybe the projectiles could curve a bit around black holes.

Projectiles do get attracted by blackholes, maybe you wanted more ? the bigger the blackhole, the bigger the attraction


I went back and tried again, you’re right!

I must have missed it first time.


Nice game! It feels smooth and quite polished. The handling took a minute to get used to as the turning felt too buttery and I would have expected "D" to reverse, not thrust forward. It would also add challenge to have a player health bar or similar so there's something at risk.
Otherwise, fun game and well done!

There is a player health, in to of the screen, that's the blue shields, and as for the controls, it's 'a' to turn left and 'd' to turn right, and if you want you can rebind them in settings


It fits the theme well, I'd say shooting from 2 different guns in constant switching is a nice mechanic since you drag enemies when you hit them so you have to move accordingly to follow your hit, It seems fun but it wasn't very challanging, 

Thanks for playing